Why Join

CPMA is the recognized industry voice for the color pigments industry and the only U.S.-based trade association devoted exclusively to representing the interests of color pigments manufacturers, processors, converters, suppliers and distributors in North America.

As a CPMA member, your company has the opportunity to:

  • Be part of the industry voice – participate in the conversation with key regulatory officials and contribute to the setting of industry standards. Recognized by legislators, regulators, downstream customers and the public as the industry expert on environmental, health, safety and trade issues, CPMA works to inform and shape public policy on behalf of member companies.
  • Work with the color pigments value chain – collaborate with downstream customer trade associations to shape mutual public policy outcomes.
  • Be the first to know – gain insight into the latest legislative and regulatory issues impacting your business with first-look analysis and weekly updates of new regulatory activity and emerging trends.
  • Avoid high compliance costs – access regulatory compliance guidance from subject-matter experts to assist with the interpretation of new regulatory requirements impacting your company.
  • Get engaged – influence strategic direction and collaborate on key business and regulatory issues by participating on the CPMA Board and Committees.
  • Create connections and business growth – participate in regular meetings with color pigments industry leaders and downstream customers.

For more information on CPMA membership and its benefits, contact us at (571) 348-5130, or cpma@cpma.com.